October 4, 2007 10:00 am to 4:30 pm Niles Gallery, Fine Arts Library
Tour of Digital Libraries Lab, noon
Tour, poster session and reception at the Center for Visualization and Virtual Environments will follow the last session.
Videocast of the event can be found at http://www.rch.uky.edu/DigitalScholarship/DSCII
Held in conjunction with "Changing the Center of Gravity: Transforming Classical Studies Through Cyberinfrastructure", a workshop funded by the National Science Foundation, sponsored by the Center for Visualization and Virtual Environments at the University of Kentucky, and organized by the Perseus Digital Library at Tufts University. Full audio record of that workshop is available here.
10am: Ana Rueda, Hispanic Studies, with Mark Lauersdorf, Director of Language Technologies, "Digital Library for the Enlightenment and the Romantic Period – The Spanish Novel"
11am: Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby, Russian and Eastern Studies, "Russian Folk Religious Imagination"
Break for lunch and tour of the Digital Libraries Lab with Eric Weig, Head of Digital Programs
1:30pm: Robert Jensen, Art History, "Using Digital Images for Research in Art History"
2:30pm: Matthew Zook, Geography, "GoogleMaps and the Privatization/Wikification of Cartography"
3:30pm: Ross Scaife, Classics "EDUCE Project: Enhanced Digital Unwrapping for Conservation and Exploration"
4:30pm: Relocate to Center for Visualization and Virtual Environments for tour, poster session, and reception
"Digital Scholarship can be defined as any element of knowledge or art that is created, produced, analyzed, distributed, published, and/or displayed in a digital medium, for the purpose of research or teaching."
— Kirsten Foot, Assistant Professor,
Department of Communication,
University of Washington
Digital scholarship has many dimensions and may be defined as:
- any element of knowledge or art that is created, produced, analyzed, distributed and/or displayed in a digital medium for the purpose of research or teaching;
- the creation of digital technology, tools and services to solve problems in scholarship; or
- the study and analysis of digital information, resources and culture.
The Collaboratory for Resarch in Computing for Humanities, with support from the Center for Visualization and Virtual Environments, has organized the second Digital Scholarship Colloquium to continue the campus dialogue among current and future digital scholars at the University of Kentucky.
The purpose of the Digital Scholarship Colloquium is to bring together faculty from across campus who are actively creating and using digital scholarship, and those who are interested in seeing how they might apply technology to their own work.
The Colloquium also serves to encourage interdisciplinary and inter-college collaboration.