Computer-Assisted Technology Service:
Computational Linguist's Automated Workbench (Cat's Claw)
Project Directors
Dr. Raphael Finkel
Professor of Computer Science
University of Kentucky
Dr. Gregory Stump
Professor of Linguistics
University of Kentucky
Project Home: http://www.cs.uky.edu/~raphael/linguistics/claw.html
Project Description
The Computational Linguist's Automated Workbench (Cat's Claw) is intended to supply linguists with easy-to-use resources for computing various kinds of things.
- On the Cat's Claw website it is possible to run programs in DATR and KATR, both languages for the respresentation of default inheritence hierarchies.
- Users may create morpholological analyses in Paradigm Function Morphology (PFM) and use them to generate inflectional paradigms.
- By entering a language's inflectional paradigms in a particular kind of format, users may automatically extract a range of different kinds of statistics pertaining to the implicative relations that the paradigms embody. These include statistics on various kinds of principal part analyses to which the paradigms are subject. Principal parts may be used as a means of gauging both the nature and the degree of the complexity exhibited by a language's inflectional paradigms.
- The Cat's Claw website also includes a program generating syntactic tree diagrams from sentences with labeled bracketing.
For comments or suggestions, please contact Raphael Finkel or Greg Stump.
Research on the Computational Linguist's Automated Workbench has been supported by: